Interior Space Design Methology
Based on a project culture and on our own innovative methodology, this Master course aims to produce professionals with the ability to innovate in the vast field that is space design. Different spaces and scales will be worked on in a multicultural context, ranging from the human side to urban aspects, focusing on the details and taking on a contemporary, cross-sector approach.
The Master in Interior Space Design Methodology draws on the importance of creative autonomy in the project design process, geared towards producing original solutions by inverting the usual procedure behind space design. This is done by limiting options to a single material but offering the incentive of technical innovation based on the student’s research.
The process culminates when the space designed is able to instantly transmit sensations and atmospheres from the moment the user interacts with the space and the material. The result is a space capable of combining authorship, concept and meaning.
The course gradually reveals the origin, essence and soul of things. It ventures deep into the core and the rigour of the raw materials that construct space, exploring and researching the power of materials in the quest for an architecture that can unveil the intrinsic nature of each one.
Key facts
Language: English
Duration: 6 months
Schedule: Monday to Friday from 6.30 p.m to 10.40 p.m.
– To have greater contact with the professional world and acquire the necessary tools to tackle the heterogeneity and diversity of programmes and places encompassed within the field of interior design.
– To focus predominantly on research by learning a methodology and project process. The end result is not a goal in itself, but a vehicle for providing the student with the necessary knowledge and tools to handle any type of multidisciplinary project in the future. Students develop the ability to plan and understand the stages of the work process by alternating both aspects.
The course also draws on the students’ diverse backgrounds in order to further enhance the group’s knowledge.
The duality between the two worlds of method and practice harbours a system based on values: a manifesto of intentions and actions happening all at once to produce a singular learning methodology.
This manifesto envisages theoretical categories and action formats that have been empirically tested by IED and the course coordinator, Josep Ferrando, over the last ten years at two of the School’s centres: Barcelona and Rio de Janeiro.
Our manifesto seeks to express the principles and actions that guide a different way of seeing, thinking and expressing through architecture.
1- Know-how vs inspiration
2- Process vs results
3- System vs method
4- Efficiency vs accessory
5- Multi-scale vs mono-scale
6- Strict vs random
7- Experience vs object
8- Subtle vs explicit
Student profile
This masters course is intended for professionals and students in various fields of space design:
– Architects, interior designers, permanent or pop-up public space designers, landscape designers.
– Urban furniture designers, atmosphere designers as creative art directors (in films, TV and advertising).
– Product designers (furniture systems, surfaces, sustainable and recycled indoor finishes).
– Design consultants, graphic designers, stage designers (in theatre and dance), exhibition and stand creators and assemblers.
– Fine arts professionals (sculptures, performances, installations, photography), events organisers and designers (fashion shows, corporate events, celebrations), and more.
Job opportunities
Space designers have a variety of career options open to them. Students who complete the masters can steer their careers in different directions, including:
– Working as a design expert for architecture and interior design firms or multidisciplinary studios specialising in space design, landscape design, window displays, product design, stage design, or home, retail and urban furnishing.
– Becoming a designer for events, pop-up architecture, museum installations, fashion shows, exhibitions, stands, experiences, audiovisual communication, identity design or art director.
– Collaborating with design studios in every speciality and working on a team during the concept application stage, development and management of space design projects.
– Working in multidisciplinary teams to carry out permanent or pop-up residential and retail interior design projects under public or private initiatives.
– Working as a freelance designer and entrepreneur in any design speciality: product, interior design, furniture, etc.
The educational planning for all IED Master courses is aligned with the criteria established by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The IED Master program adopts a credit structure that follows the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). IED Master only awards its own private degrees.